Class excerises  

Posted by Unknown

Class Exercise : Emoting with basic elements

Choose 2 words, make abstract stuff. Cool.
Personally I love abstract stuff. I prefer to produce things that have a story/meaning behind it. but sometimes, it's just plain difficult. BUT i'm always looking for it. The meaning, the story.



Class Exercise : Camera Angles

Mid shot. Eye level.
The eye level shot allows the audience to better understand what the subject is doing. It put emphasis on what the subject is interacting with as well.

Long shot. High angle.
The high angle shot usually gives the viewer a sense of superiority. In this case, however it only shows that a person is looking up at something. Good to tell the audience that the subject saw something followed by a zoom into the subject's face to show emotions. (Shock) Then do a down to top angle shot to show the audience what the subject saw.

Bird's view
Normally used to show the whole scenery in movies. Usually a bird's eye view would give the audience that someone/something is looking down at something.

Over shoulder shot

This shot shows the subject from the prespective of another who is usually looking at the subject.

Class Exercise : Icons and indexes

Iconic: Drawing of an elephant represents well, an elephant.

Indexical: The elephant's trunk and tusk indexes the elephant without showing the full creature.

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